Author: bi-week

A busy day on september 25! Marching and Zooming for #basicincome

  Join us for the 3rd Annual Basic Income March on September 25, 2021 The economy is broken. Currently, many of the people who work hardest and are the backbones of our economy are those who are most vulnerable to financial hardship and insecurity. The COVID-19 economic crisis has made this abundantly clear. It is […]

Basic Income Hymn

In 2014 the Dutch artist Pharao created a song with Yara to promote the Basic Income in The Netherlands. It is still current. ‘Het Goeie Leven’ (The Good Life) is a song that was made to promote the universal basic income. Basic income is a hot topic in the world as more and more people […]

Second Zoom based International Basic Income March #zibim

Dear UBI Advocates, We would like to invite and hope to see all UBI Advocates, together with their friends and networks, at the second ‘UBI-Talk on our Walk’ This is a  Zoom based Basic Income March, facilitated by ‘Worldwide Meetings of UBI Advocates and UBI Networks’, organized by UBI Networks. Last year was the first […]

European citizens focus on a #basicincome

Citizens’ initiative on UBI aims to strengthen EU unity Many European countries are debating the idea of a basic income, and a citizens’ initiative has now called on the European Commission to present a proposal for unconditional basic income throughout the bloc. The idea is to reduce regional differences, while strengthening economic and social cohesion across the continent. If the initiative […]

Give your Hug to Basic Income

Hi everyone! I’m making a surprise group video for Basic Income Week 2020 and need your help. Please add your own video wishes below (it’s quick & easy) and you’ll be part of a memorable surprise.  Thank you!   Make your own video hug  here: and afterwards we will have a compilation of 50 […]

Suggest a Motto for the 13th Basic Income Week

13th Basic Income Week 14th-20th Sep 2020: Motto suggestions! We are now collecting suggestions for a Motto for next ibiw until 31st Oct! Send the motto in your language plus a translation into English to us either via the contact form on this site or via or via twitter using #mottoibiw13 Any mottos sent […]

Be part of the #basicincomeweek13! Start planning now!

Next International Basic Income Week is coming, the 13th in succession: Mo-Su 14th-20th September 2020 Plan your events for 2020! plan your #countonbasicincome photo again on 18th September 2020, make an International Basic Income Beer #basicincomebeer on Friday 18th September 2020, organize an International Basic Income March #basicincomemarch on Saturday 19th September […]

Could #basicincome play a role in the fight against unfree labour?

  Read some of the world’s leading basic income thinkers ask what role basic income could play in the fight against unfree labour. Universal basic income: a way through the storm? Vast numbers of people around the world don’t have sufficient cash to ride out life’s problems. Could a basic income see them through? A […]

Supporters around the world for Basic Income Week 2019

Basic Income Facebook pages to countries from all continents who supports the12th International Basic Income Week 16th-22nd September 2019 Basic Income Earth Network AT – Generation Grundeinkommen Österreich BR – ReCivitas CN – UBI Asia Pacific 亞太全民基本收入協會 DE – Netzwerk Grundeinkommen EE – Algatus tingimusteta põhisissetuleku – kodanikupalga võimaluste uurimiseks EU – Basic Income Europe […]

2nd International Basic Income March

  2nd International Basic Income March, Saturday 19th September 2020 in: Please add your Basic Income March here: Then tab the orange “click to host” button to add your event. Read the instructions carefully! THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO WHEN FILLING OUT THE FORM IS TO SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE AND CHOOSE FOR […]

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