Call for Participation for the 12th International Basic Income Week 2019 from 16th – 22th September
Money is just an invention – not a Iaw of physics. The rules around money valuation, creation, distribution are man-made. Do they work for you? Or are they causing stress, shame, and destruction in your Iife,family and environment? Let’s recreate these rules and make money work for all people!
Send us your thoughts about this with the hashtag
- #ismoneyworking4U
- twitter.com/basicincomeweek
- facebook.com/BasiclncomeWeek
N.B. only 30 events will be displayed up here due to facebook restrictions
We invite activists around the world to contribute to our action Week for Unconditional Basic Income.
The Basic Income Week (BIW) is a week of participation around the globe and we need YOU to join us.
How can you get involved during International Basic Income Week?
Organise an event, discuss UBI with others, spread the news on social media with the hashtag #basicincomeweek12, get together for the 2nd international Stammtisch on Friday,20th Sept.
We can help by linking you up with experienced organizers, speakers and promoting your event via our shared website basicincomeweek.org.
New participants are always welcome to share time, money or ideas!
Get in touch with us via our contact form!
- organize an event
- give a presentation on UBI
- take part in coordinated social media action (like UBI banner display details to follow)
- spread the news on social media [#basicincomeweek]
Original IBIW eventwww.facebook.com/events/310298613181576/
BASIC INCOME BEER – friday 20 september 2019
- Montréal (Canada) [Revenu de base Québec] www.facebook.com/events/320816778717294/
- Berlin (Germany) [Initiative Grundeinkommen Berlin] www.facebook.com/events/727312807612798/
- Hannover (Germany) [bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen Hannover] www.facebook.com/events/454959335231557/
- Kassel (Germany) [Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen Kassel] www.facebook.com/events/2347939495530368/
- Reutlingen (Germany) [BGE Gruppe Reutlingen] www.facebook.com/events/1189388081265294/
- Stockholm (Sweden) [Basinkomst Stockholm] www.facebook.com/events/366573647602122/
- Istanbul (Turkey) [Vatandaşlık Temel Geliri – VTG] www.facebook.com/events/2095746803860552/
OTHER EVENTS(hopefully marching together the next IBIW on saturday 19th September 2020)
- 26 october 2019: Basic Income March Amsterdam www.facebook.com/events/471811216935860/
- 26 october 2019: Basic Income March Berlin www.facebook.com/events/515161612379501/
- 26 october 2019: Basic Income March New York www.basicincomemarch.com/
Basic Income Facebook pages to countries from all continents who supports the12th International Basic Income Week16th-22nd September 2019www.facebook.com/events/310298613181576/#basicincomeweek
- Basic Income Earth Network
- AT – Generation Grundeinkommen Österreich
- BR – ReCivitas
- CN – UBI Asia Pacific 亞太全民基本收入協會
- DE – Netzwerk Grundeinkommen
- EE – Algatus tingimusteta põhisissetuleku – kodanikupalga võimaluste uurimiseks
- EU – Basic Income Europe
- ES – Renta Básica Universal
- FI – BIEN Finland – Suomen perustuloverkosto ry
- FR – MFRB Revenu de base
- HU – Feltétel Nélküli Alapjövedelem / FNA
- IE – Basic Income Ireland
- NL – Vereniging Basisinkomen
- NO – Borgerlønn BIEN Norge
- NZ – BINZ Basic Income New Zealand
- RU – Основной Доход Россия Завтра / Basic Income Russia Tomorrow
- TR – Vatandaşlık Temel Geliri – VTG
- UK – Basic Income UK
- US – Basic Income Guarantee Network
- ZA – SPII Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute
All Basic Income Week Events at www.facebook.com/BasicIncomeWeek/events/
Share your Basic Income Week – Ideas in our Facebook group www.facebook.com/groups/BasicIncomeWeek/
What is Unconditional Basic Income?
As a legal right, UBI is a regular income paid by a political community to all its members from cradle to grave.
It is Universal, Individual, Unconditional, and High enough to live with dignity.
Universal: Every person, irrespective of age, descent, place of residence, profession etc. will be entitled to receive this allocation.
Individual: Everyone has the right to UBI on an individual basis as this is the only way to ensure privacy and to prevent control over other individuals. UBI will be independent of marital status, cohabitation or household configuration, or of the income or property of other household or family members.
Unconditional: As a human right UBI shall not depend on any preconditions, whether an obligation to take paid employment, to be involved in community service, or to behave according to traditional gender roles. Nor will it be subject to income, savings or property limits.
High enough: The amount shall provide for a decent standard of living, which meets society’s social and cultural standards in the country concerned. It will prevent material poverty and provide the opportunity to participate in society and to live in dignity.
We emphasize that UBI shall not replace the compensatory welfare state but rather complete and transform it into an emancipatory welfare system.