The 9th international Basic Income Week will be held from 19th until 25th of september 2016.
Basic income should empower everyone to have a good life in dignity, unconditionally. We invite activists around the world to contribute to our action week for Unconditional Basic Income (UBI).
The last Basic Income Week surpassed all our expectations. In September 2015, events were organized outside of Europe as part of the week for the first time, namely in Africa, Asia, New Zealand and North America.
The UBI-Week was initiated in 2008 in German-speaking countries. Activities spread significantly in Europe after the establishment of the new coalition Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE) in 2014. http://ubie.org
Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) contributed to the week´s further globalization. http://basicincome.org
The Basic Income Week is a self-organized participatory week. If you want to organize an event, we can help with finding presenters and promoting your event with our shared website http://basicincomeweek.org.
Getin touch with your regional or international coordination team.
- International: http://basicincomeweek.org/contact-form
- Austria: http://pro-grundeinkommen.at/WdGE2016/Anmeldung
- Germany: http://www.woche-des-grundeinkommens.eu/
- Netherlands: http://week-van-het-basisinkomen.nl
Send in your events
What is Unconditional Basic Income?
It is a payment (by the state), which every person gets monthly lifelong. (Legal right)
Universal: Every person, irrespective of age, descent, place of residence, profession etc. will be entitled to receive this allocation.
Individual: Everyone has the right to UBI on an individual basis as this is the only way to ensure privacy and to prevent control over other individuals. UBI will be independent of marital status, cohabitation or household configuration, or of the income or property of other household or family members.
Unconditional: As a human right UBI shall not depend on any preconditions, whether an obligation to take paid employment, to be involved in community service, or to behave according to traditional gender roles. Nor will it be subject to income, savings or property limits.
High enough: The amount shall provide for a decent standard of living, which meets society’s social and cultural standards in the country concerned. It will prevent material poverty and provide the opportunity to participate in society and to live in dignity.
We emphasize that UBI shall not replace the compensatory welfare state but rather complete and transform it into an emancipatory welfare system.