Category: 2015

Interview with Karl Matthys, from Basic Income New Zealand (BINZ)

Interview with Karl Matthys, member of establishment committee Basic Income New Zealand (BINZ) Do you remember your first encounter with Basic Income? My interest goes back to late 90s. I became a Humanist first, it was through a link on a Humanist website that I became aware of BIEN and the works of Philippe van […]

Interview with Enno Schmidt, co-initiator of the Swiss Citizens’ Initiative

Interview with Enno Schmidt, co-initiator  of the Swiss Citizens’ Initiative Can you remember your first encounter with Basic Income? My first was in Heidelberg in a discussion where a young architect demanded an unconditional income and my first reaction was: „hey, he just needs money, why doesn’t he ask for help for himself, instead of making some […]

Interview with Taku Fundira, advocate of SADC BIG campaign, South Africa

Interview with Taku Fundira, member of SPII senior economy researcher, research manager and advocate for SADC BIG campaign and speaking for the whole Southern African region. Can you remember you very first encounter with Basic Income? Oh yes, I do – it was 2 years ago – I had just changed jobs, previously I was in […]

8th International Basic Income Week 2015 – List of participants

The number of participating coutries is now: 29 (Upate sept. 16th 2015) Continents participating with live events (6) Europe Asia North America South America Africa Oceania Countries with live events (20) Austria Belgium Bulgaria Canada China Denmark France Germany Hungary Ireland Malawi Netherlands New Zealand Norway Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom USA Zimbabwe Countries participating […]

New Zealand joining 8th International Basic Income Week

The new Basic Income organisation in New Zealand, BINZ, officially established 6 weeks ago, is hosting 2 presentations in Napier this September. Lowell Manning, spokesman and interim president of BINZ says : “The existing welfare system no longer provides an effective safety net over the short term, let alone for life. It has become so […]

Interview with Otto Lehto, philosopher, member of Green Party and BIEN Finland

  Can you remember you very first encounter with Basic Income? I am not exactly sure, but it was  as a child or teenager and must have had to do with the political discussion in Finland, which has been going for a long time, mostly led by the Green Party. I remember watching a prominent […]

Über 25 Länder auf allen Kontinenten fordern während der Grundeinkommenswoche ein „Sicherheitsnetz fürs Leben“

Das weltweit steigende Interesse an der Forderung nach einem Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen (BGE) [1] zeigt sich an der bisher stärksten Beteiligung in der 8-jährigen Geschichte der Internationalen Woche des Grundeinkommens. Internationale Beteiligung an Grundeinkommenswoche Menschen in 27 Ländern auf allen Kontinenten werden Veranstaltungen durchführen und das BGE auf der ganzen Welt zwischen 14. und 20. September […]

The 15th German basic income will be raffled at the end of the basic income week

Mein Grundeinkommen starts a Facebook and twitter campain during Basic Income Week. The  goal is that until the next raffle 5,000 users have their profile picture “to be an unconditional human being” provided with our logo and the phrase, to spread the idea and to show that basic income allows you to be a dignified human being Help us and set […]

UBI Europe reflects on basic income week

Reflecting the growing demand for unconditional basic income [1] worldwide, this year’s International Basic Income Week looks to having the largest participation ever in its 8-year history. People in 27 countries across all continents [2] will be holding events and raising the profile of unconditional basic income across the globe between 14-20 September this year. […]

Interview with Scott Santens United States and Reddit basicincome activist

Scott Santens, moderator of the Basic Income community on reddit, 1st American to crowdfund his own basic income, New Orleans Can you remember you very first encounter with Basic Income? Mine was an article about Manitoba/Canadathat I read about 2011, when it first came out – I was amazed by it, put it away as […]

Basic Income Online campaign in South Korea

The Basic Income Korean Network (BIKN)  are happy to bring good news about the Korean online campaign during the 8th International Basic Income Week. We will organize the “basic income online campaign” from September 16th to 20th, 2015. This campaign will be about the demonstrations of personal endorsement of unconditional basic income. In the campaign, we also […]

Interview with Eefke Meijerink, local Social Democratic Party leader Netherlands

International Basic Income Week 2015 has begun early! spoke to one of the hosts of the very first event heralding the 8th International Week: Interview with Eefke Meijerink, local Social Democratic Party leader and member of city council Zwolle, Netherlands With your „Stadsgesprek Zwolle“ on Wednesday you were the first event for the 8th International […]

Interview with Lieselotte Wohlgenannt – Social Scientist at Catholic Social Academy ­Austria

Interview with Lieselotte Wohlgenannt, Social Scientist at Catholic Social Academy Austria (KSOE), and co­Author of Den öko-sozialen Umbau beginnen: Grundeinkommen  (Start the eco-social reconstruction: Basic Income) Can you remember your very first encounter with Basic Income? It was in the early 80s, when our former director of the Catholic Social Academy ­Austria and my co­author, P. Dr Herwig […]

Interview with Albert Jörimann, former president of BIEN Switzerland

  Can you remember you very first encounter with Basic Income? That was back in 1995. Hans Peter Stihl, owner of a big chainsaw company and president of the German Federation of Entrepreneurs, spoke approvingly about the „Bürgergeld“ (Citizen’s Income). I was a union secretay at that time and wrote an essay about entrepreneurs not […]

Interview with Sepp Kusstatscher, basic income activist from Südtirol (Italy) since 1989

Interview with Sepp Kusstatscher  Can you still remember your first encounter with the idea of Basic Income?  Very well. A book fell into my hands in 1989, written by Lieselotte Wohlgenannt and Herwig Büchele: Den öko-sozialen Umbau beginnen: Grundeinkommen ( To start the eco-social reconstruction: Basic Income) They both clearly exposed that the ecological and social […]

Interview with Ronald Blaschke, Netzwerk Grundeinkommen, Germany

Can you remember your first encounter with Basic Income? Yes, it was in the late 90s. I tried to make an appointment with a Saxon Politician and we discovered that both our diaries were completely full up. We were both politically active, busy human beings, with the only difference that she was receiving parliamentary allowance, […]

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