Category: 2017

Unconditional nation-wide Cash transfer programme, Iran

Unconditional nation-wide Cash transfer programme, Iran How many people benefit: currently about 90% of Iranian population, > 72 Million How can a programme that benefits 90% of the population (and the environment) be unpopular? Interview with economist Djavad Salehi-Isfahani, research fellow @ Economic Research Forum An unconditional cash transfer programme was started in Iran in […]

Basic Income Week mentioned by member of parliament in National Assembly of Quebec, Canada

From September 18 to 24, the 10th International Core Revenue Week is held in Quebec under the theme “Living decently, here and everywhere”. The basic income would enable every Quebecer to have an inalienable right to a decent life and encourage the full and complete participation of every individual in society because of its universal […]

10th International Basic Income Week – List of participating countries

Here are the participants for our jubilee week: On 18th September 2017 we know of participants from 24 countries from 6 continents (Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America) who host events, attend events or have given interviews about projects in their country. The basic income community is as diverse as humanity. In some […]

Governmental Basic Income Experiment 2017/2018, Finland

Governmental Basic Income Experiment 2017/2018, Finland [1] What we can learn from Finland: It’s not that difficult to organise a Basic Income pilot when you have an existing welfare system! Interview with Otto Lehto, member of BIEN Finland Compare the execution of the government Pilot with BIEN Finland’s[2] expectations before the election: It is pretty […]

Basic Income pilot: Quatinga Velho, Brazil

Basic Income pilot and Startup: ReCivitas [1] Insignificant in many rich places, incredibly important to those in the most ignored, poorest places of the world Interview with Marcus Brancaglione, CEO ReCivita How is the Basic Income Startup different from the 2008-2014 pilot project? It is different in duration or, more precisely, in sustainability. The 2008-2014 […]

Pilot projects anyone?

Everyone is currently talking about filter bubbles. The basic income activist’s filter bubble is the feeling that things are moving too slow. International Basic Income Week provides an opportunity to step back, take stock and compare our local situation not just to the world, but also to the world at another point in time. And […]