We believe the following articles are either about basic income week (as some really are!), fuelled by basic income week events or fuelled by press releases of local activities or activists. They are, in any case, all from this week and we think it is also nice to see, that basic income week sparks media to write about the topic in general. That’s why we found them relevant. Wethought it would be good to have a collection point for media links as well, as our language skills are not sufficient to look at what may be written elsewhere, so people could be enticed to send their local ones in.
Manja & Robin
- http://m.smh.com.au/
technology/technology-news/ basic-income-advocates- support-money-for-nothing- 20150917-gjow5d.html - http://mobile.news.com.au/
finance/economy/would-you- work-if-you-didnt-have-to/ story-fnu2pycd-1227531288369 - http://powertopersuade.org.au/
2015/09/15/basic-income-a-no- brainer-for-remote-indigenous- australia/
New Zealand:
- http://www.forbes.com/sites/
timworstall/2015/09/18/the- real-value-of-a-universal- basic-income-is-that-it- raises-the-reservation-wage/ - http://mic.com/articles/
125309/basic-income-advocates- organize-in-washington-dc-to- storm-the-2016-election - http://ndsmcobserver.com/2015/
09/case-basic-income/ - https://www.newscientist.com/
article/dn28186-as-tech- threatens-jobs-we-must-test-a- universal-basic-income/
- https://rdl.de/beitrag/
grundeinkommen-safety-net-life - http://www.presseanzeiger.de/
pa/Die-Welt-im-Krisenmodus- und-die-Politiker-ratlos- 800414 - http://veranstaltungen.noz.de/
events/armut-reichtum- trenngeld/2035199-121/3169204- 121