International Basic Income Week Videothon

The 10th International Basic Income Week is here and for this jubilee we are planning a special something:

International Basic Income Week Videothon:
Please take a short video of your event (in any format, videos taken on smart phones are fine too) and send it to to be stitched together with other videos around the world

In particular, we are encouraging groups to videotape people saying ““Hi, I am (name) from (city) in (country). I believe a universal basic income will..(insert the reason you support it).” If you have, you’re welcome to add your group’s logo to your video.

We have a videographer who can edit all of the videos from around the world into one big video that will be released for a Great Global Basic Income Videothon on the last day of IBIW. You can email more than one video. 

Please be sure to send your videos to no later than September 22, 2017. Lable event-videos “event” and people-videos “people”.

We can’t wait to receive your contributions!

See the contributions so far:

Your website / contact details:
If your country’s website is not on our list
 yet, please contact our webmaster to add it.