Das weltweit steigende Interesse an der Forderung nach einem Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen (BGE) [1] zeigt sich an der bisher stärksten Beteiligung in der 8-jährigen Geschichte der Internationalen Woche des Grundeinkommens. Internationale Beteiligung an Grundeinkommenswoche Menschen in 27 Ländern auf allen Kontinenten werden Veranstaltungen durchführen und das BGE auf der ganzen Welt zwischen 14. und 20. September […]
Tag: austria
Klaus Sambor, Attac Austria about Basic Income Week
basicincomeweek.org is talking with the people who brought International Basic Income Week to life and who have made it into the international event it is today. This interview is with Klaus Sambor, Attac Austria Can you remember your first encounter with Basic Income? My wife Ulli and me were part of an NGO for […]
Austria: 45 events during 8th Basic Income Week 2015
The Austrian basic income alliance Runder Tisch – Grundeinkommen (RTG) recently announced the programme for the 8th International Basic Income Week, September 14–20, 2015, with 45 events – more than double in comparison to 2014 – in 22 cities and towns all over Austria: film screenings on TV and in 18 cinemas with subsequent discussions with experts […]