15th International Basic Income Week

15th International Basic Income Week
“Basic Income is basic humanism!”
Mo-Su 19th-25th September 2022

Take part:
– overlay your profile picture at facebook and twitter with “#BasicIncome“ https://twibbon.com/support/basicincome-twitter-overlay from 1st-25th September 2022, www.facebook.com/events/589831782579707/
– plan your #countonbasicincome photo at Wednesday (21st September 2022), www.facebook.com/events/954952368711588/
– make an International Basic Income Beer #basicincomebeer again at Friday (23rd September 2022), www.facebook.com/events/590041566160448/
– at best organize an International Basic Income March #basicincomemarch again at Saturday (24th September 2022), www.facebook.com/events/1289299878474766/

We invite activists around the world to contribute to our action Week for Unconditional Basic Income. The Basic Income Week is a week of participation around the globe and we need YOU to join us.

Organize an basic income event and share it via our Webpage event form https://basicincomeweek.org/event-form/ or our Facebook page (by setting up our Facebook page www.facebook.com/BasicIncomeWeek/ as a co-host of your Facebook event).

Share your Basic Income Week – Ideas in our Facebook group www.facebook.com/groups/BasicIncomeWeek/

Basic income Facebook pages from countries or continents are welcome to join this Facebook event as a co-host. 50 Facebook pages are set-up and only need to accept (on your own Facebook page at Tab ‘Events’)! Other ask via the Facebook page messenger www.facebook.com/BasicIncomeWeek/
Co-hosts are not legally responsible for this Facebook event. They only support the idea of the Basic Income Week #basicincomeweek

– “15th International Basic Income Week” Mo-Su 19th-25th September 2022, www.facebook.com/events/293061476368364/ or https://basicincomeweek.org/ibiw2022/ #basicincomeweek15
– “Basic Income Profile Picture Action” September 1st-25th, 2022, www.facebook.com/events/589831782579707/ or https://basicincomeweek.org/bippa2022/
– “Count on Basic Income Photo Action” Wednesday 21st September 2022, www.facebook.com/events/954952368711588/ or https://basicincomeweek.org/cobipa2022/ #countonbasicincome
– “5th International Basic Income Beer” Friday 23rd September 2022, www.facebook.com/events/590041566160448/ or https://basicincomeweek.org/ibib2022/ #basicincomebeer
– “4th International Basic Income March” Saturday 24th September 2022, www.facebook.com/events/1289299878474766/ or https://basicincomeweek.org/ibim2022/ #basicincomemarch

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