Basic Income Profile Picture Action

Basic Income Profile Picture Action
September 1st-26th, 2021:
Overlay your profile picture at facebook with “Basic Income Week Campaign“ and at twitter
This action is part of the
14th International Basic Income Week
“Basic Income: Forward to a better world!”
Mo-Su 20th-26th September 2021

Basic income Facebook pages from countries or continents are welcome to join this Facebook event as a co-host. Ask via the Facebook page messenger
Co-hosts are not legally responsible for this Facebook event. They only support the idea of the Basic Income Week #basicincomeweek

– “14th International Basic Income Week” Mo-Su 20th-26th September 2021, or #basicincomeweek14
– “Basic Income Profile Picture Action” September 1st-26th, 2021, or
– “Count on Basic Income Photo Action” Wednesday 22nd September 2021, or #countonbasicincome
– “4th International Basic Income Beer” Friday 24th September 2021, or #basicincomebeer
– “3rd International Basic Income March” Saturday 25th September 2021, or #basicincomemarch