3rd International Basic Income March

3rd International Basic Income March

Saturday 25th September 2021

Join us in cities around the world as we come together in the largest ever March for Basic Income.

Find the Basic Income March in your city www.basicincomemarch.com
Add your event at https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/2021-basic-income-march about ‘Click to host’ and follow the instructions!

Some Marches are also at Facebook www.facebook.com/BasicIncomeWeek/events/

Alternatively, take part at Second Zoom based International Basic Income March #zibim  www.basicincomeweek.org/a-busy-day-on-september-25-marching-and-zooming-for-basicincome/

Tell us your International Basic Income March event via our Webpage event form www.basicincomeweek.org/ubi/event-form/ and our Facebook page (by setting up our Facebook page www.facebook.com/BasicIncomeWeek/ as a co-host of your Facebook event) or posting in this Facebook event www.facebook.com/events/296349685392818/  (especially if you know events from others who are not on Facebook).

The cities of the 1st and 2nd International Basic Income March you find here www.facebook.com/events/922831178086148/ and www.basicincomeweek.org/basic-income-march-on-saturday-anywhere/

This event is part of the

14th International Basic Income Week
“Basic Income: Forward to a better world!”
Mo-Su 20th-26th September 2021
#basicincomeweek14 www.facebook.com/events/755939298651728/

– “14th International Basic Income Week” Mo-Su 20th-26th September 2021, www.facebook.com/events/755939298651728/ or www.basicincomeweek.org/ibiw2021/ #basicincomeweek14
– “Basic Income Profile Picture Action” September 1st-26th, 2021, www.facebook.com/events/562600105130194/ or www.basicincomeweek.org/bippa2021/
– “Count on Basic Income Photo Action” Wednesday 22nd September 2021, www.facebook.com/events/195526022197024/ or www.basicincomeweek.org/cobipa2021/ #countonbasicincome
– “4th International Basic Income Beer” Friday 24th September 2021, www.facebook.com/events/787566661870321/ or www.basicincomeweek.org/ibib2021/ #basicincomebeer
– “3rd International Basic Income March” Saturday 25th September 2021, www.facebook.com/events/296349685392818/ or www.basicincomeweek.org/ibim2021/ #basicincomemarch