
The International Basic Income Week #basicincomeweek is a self-organized participatory week in the 38th week (September) of the year since 2008. Increasingly doing synchronized events, including

  • September 1st till end of the Basic Income Week “Basic Income Profile Picture Action” – overlay your profile picture at facebook and twitter
  • Wednesday of the Basic Income Week “Count on Basic Income Photo Action” #countonbasicincome – make a photo and post it to your social media with the hashtag
  • Friday of the Basic Income Week “International Basic Income Beer” #basicincomebeer – go to a place where you have a drink, and can link up with other people who are doing the same thing at the same time
  • Saturday of the Basic Income Week “International Basic Income March” #basicincomemarch – take to the streets and march in your city to demonstrate for basic income

Please share your event here: and our Facebook page (by setting up our Facebook page as a co-host of your Facebook event).

If you have a link to an event website of your organization, please send us the link and we will put it on this page:

Go to the month of September in the year since 2016 in the Google calendar:

You should watch the original event shortly before the start of the event. In the Google calendar entry you can always find the original Facebook event link at the end, unless another original web link is better in the description.